
Making a real difference in our communities

Our Foundation was established in 1982 to give back to the communities where our customers and employees live and work. Since then, the Enterprise Holdings Foundation® has committed more than half a billion dollars to nonprofits. Ninety-eight percent of grants made by the Foundation in FY2020 went to fulfill requests from employees to benefit community causes that they personally champion and actively support. Our global philanthropic initiatives include: 

Routes and Roots

“Take care of your customers and employees first, and the profits will follow.”

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation® donated $60 million to support The Nature Conservancy, a global nonprofit that works to address critical conservation challenges around the world. This initiative benefits many of the world’s most critical freshwater ecosystems, including rivers, watersheds, streams and more.

Fill Your Tank

“Take care of your customers and employees first, and the profits will follow.”

Although there is enough food produced to feed the population, 690 million people still go to bed on an empty stomach, according to the World Food Programme. In the U.S. alone, 35 million people struggle with hunger, including 10 million children and more than five million seniors, according to Feeding America.

Not having enough food leaves you running on empty to complete even the simplest of tasks, but Enterprise is here to help people fill their tank. In 2016 our Foundation launched one of the largest donations aimed at fighting hunger and has since contributed more than $50 million to address food insecurity in local communities.

In conjunction with the Enterprise ROAD Forward initiative, launched in 2020, the Foundation pledged an additional $65 million to Enterprise Fill Your Tank to address food insecurity – an issue that disproportionally affects people of color in our communities.

The gift not only helps fight hunger where it currently exists, but also helps our partners – Feeding America, Food Banks Canada, and The Global FoodBanking Network – build programs to serve growing food-insecure populations.

50 Million Tree Pledge

“Take care of your customers and employees first, and the profits will follow.”

By planting 50 million trees across the world, we're leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come. Established in 2006 in honor of Enterprise's 50th anniversary, the 50 Million Tree Pledge promises to plant 50 million trees by 2056. In partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, we are helping restore public lands badly in need of reforestation by funding the planting of trees across the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Spain and the U.K.

American Red Cross Annual Disaster Giving Program

“Take care of your customers and employees first, and the profits will follow.”

The Enterprise Holdings Foundation® contributes $1 million annually to the American Red Cross's Annual Disaster Giving Program, supporting people affected by disasters across the world. Our partnership with the Red Cross complements our own ongoing work to provide transportation alternatives when natural disasters strike.